What is the biblical significance of Tyre?

Asked 3 years ago

Was Tyre famous for something? What does the name 'Tyre' mean in Hebrew?

Osasere Okunloye

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Tyre is mentioned frequently in both the old and the new testament. The Hebrew meaning of the name Tyre is: Strength, Rock, Sharp.

The city was first mentioned in the old testament as one of the inheritances of the tribe of Asher in Joshua 19:24-31. However, Joshua was not able to capture this land and it was never conquered by the Israelites. Tyre was known for their wickedness and Idolatry and many prophets predicted doom on the city. According to history, it was Alexander the Great who later conquered Tyre.

In the new testament, Jesus Christ mentioned Tyre as an example of a city that refused to repent (Matthew 11:21-22, Luke 10:13).

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